20+ Years Experience

Specialist Pallet Racking

A step-by-step guide to installing pallet racking in your warehouse

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Welcome, fellow warehouse managers! Are you tired of disorganised and cluttered warehouses? Are you looking for a solution to maximise your storage space? Look no further – this article is the ultimate guide to installing pallet racking in your warehouse. Let us help you take your warehouse efficiency to the next level with these simple steps.

Selective Pallet Racking

When implementing warehouse storage solutions, selective pallet racking offers direct access to every pallet, making it ideal for facilities with high product turnover.

Drive-In Pallet Racking

When implementing drive-in pallet racking, prioritise efficient use of warehouse space and streamlined inventory management.

Push Back Pallet Racking

Push back pallet racking is a dynamic storage system that maximises warehouse space. It allows for high-density storage by storing pallets 2-6 deep. The system operates on a last-in, first-out basis, making it ideal for perishable goods or bulk storage. When a new pallet is loaded, it pushes the existing pallets back. This system optimises space and provides excellent selectivity.

Cantilever Pallet Racking

Cantilever pallet racking is a type of warehouse storage system designed to store long, bulky, or irregularly shaped items. It features horizontal load arms that extend from a single column, allowing for easy access to items without the obstruction of vertical columns. This type of racking is ideal for storing items like lumber, tubing, or PVC pipes.

Flow-Through Pallet Racking

Flow-through pallet racking enables efficient stock rotation, ideal for perishable goods or time-sensitive items. This system ensures the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method, optimizing inventory management.

At a logistics company, implementing flow-through pallet racking reduced waste by 15% and improved inventory turnover by 20%, leading to significant cost savings and customer satisfaction.

Measure and Plan

Measure the available space in the warehouse to determine the dimensions for the pallet racking.

Plan the layout, taking into account the specific storage needs for different types of inventory.

Consider safety regulations and weight capacities when planning the installation.

Did you know? Properly measuring and planning can reduce the risk of accidents and optimize warehouse space utilisation.

Prepare the Warehouse

Clear the area: Remove any existing items or debris from the warehouse to create a clean, empty space.

Inspect the floor: Ensure the warehouse floor is level and capable of supporting the weight of the pallet racking system.

Measure the space: Take accurate measurements of the warehouse to determine the layout and placement of the pallet racking.

Check for obstructions: Identify any obstacles or obstructions that may hinder the installation process and address them accordingly.

Assemble the Uprights

Inspect all components for damage.

Position the base plates and secure them to the floor.

Attach the braces to the upright frames.

Stand the frames vertically and secure them to the base plates.

Install the Beams

  1. Measure and mark the layout for beam installation.
  2. Position the first beam level using a spirit level for accuracy.
  3. Secure the beams in place using appropriate connectors and fasteners.
  4. Double-check the level of the first beam before installing the subsequent levels.
  5. Inspect the beams for stability and make necessary adjustments.
  6. When installing the beams, ensure precise measurements and use appropriate safety gear to avoid accidents.

Secure the Racking to the Floor

  1. Prepare the floor: Clear the area around the racking and ensure the floor is clean and level.
  2. Position the racking: Place the racking in its intended location, ensuring it is aligned correctly.
  3. Mark the holes: Mark the spots on the floor where the racking will be secured.
  4. Drill the holes: Use a suitable drill to create holes in the marked spots.
  5. Secure the racking to the floor: Use anchor bolts to firmly secure the racking in place.

Fact: Properly securing the racking to the floor is crucial for ensuring the safety and stability of the warehouse storage system.

Install the Safety Accessories

Inspect the area and identify potential safety hazards.

Install guardrails along open edges to prevent items from falling.

Mount safety nets to catch any falling objects.

Place safety signs and labels to warn of potential dangers.

Provide personal protective equipment for workers handling the racking system.

Follow Manufacturer’s Instructions

Inspect the package for the manufacturer’s instructions before starting the installation.

Ensure all necessary tools listed in the instructions are available.

Follow the step-by-step guide provided by the manufacturer for a safe and proper installation.

Use Proper Equipment and Safety Gear

Assess the type of racking and equipment needed for the installation.

Ensure the availability and proper functioning of safety gear and equipment like helmets, gloves, safety goggles, and harnesses.

Inspect the condition and suitability of the equipment before usage.

Train the installation team on the correct usage of safety gear and equipment.

Implement regular checks and maintenance of safety gear and equipment.

Ensure Proper Weight Distribution

Ensure proper weight distribution by calculating the maximum load capacity for each rack level.

Place heavier items on lower shelves to lower the centre of gravity.

Use load beams rated to support the weight of stored items.

Regularly inspect racks to identify any overloading or weight imbalances.

Regularly Inspect and Maintain the Racking

Regularly inspect and maintain the racking to ensure structural integrity and safety. Check for signs of wear, damage, or overloading, such as bent beams or missing connectors. Perform regular cleaning to remove debris and prevent corrosion. Conduct load capacity assessments periodically to ensure the racking can support intended loads. Implement a documented maintenance schedule to track inspections and repairs. Remember, proactive and consistent maintenance is crucial for a safe and efficient warehouse environment.

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